Planning approval for Norwich scheme
McCarthy & Stone has gained planning approval for a high quality scheme in Norwich with landscape proposals by Ubu Design.
The scheme will occupy the south-eastern part of the Bartram Mowers site on Bluebell Road, Norwich and aims to provide much needed housing for the over 55s. Three types of specialist accommodation are included in the plans: 41 retirement living apartments, 60 assisted living apartments and 20 affordable apartments for the over 55s.
In addition to producing landscape designs for the McCarthy site, Ubu prepared an overarching masterplan for the whole future development area and adjacent 17.5 hectares of Bartram Mowers land. The masterplan takes into account site characteristics and local character and aims to provide a locally distinctive and well connected layout in line with good practice and local policy. An LVIA and open space management plan were also undertaken to assess the impact of the scheme and to provide guidance on aspects such as wildlife habitat preservation and informal recreation. Over 75% of the land will remain undeveloped and be publicly accessible, thereby benefiting the wider community. Significant areas will be maintained under the stewardship of Natural England.
Other notable landscape features of the scheme include retaining and complementing the existing trees with native planting to support biodiversity, and a village green. The form of the development and its relationship to the topography has been carefully considered to reduce potential impacts within the sensitive setting.

Masterplan of site

Extract of verified view